Side of the road bomb kills seven in Mazar-I-Sharif

MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan: A side of the road bomb killed seven oil organization representatives driving to deal with a stuffed transport in northern Afghanistan's greatest city, an authority and survivors said on Tuesday.
Side of the road bomb kills seven in Mazar-I-Sharif
World news

A police official let AFP know that Tuesday's impact occurred around 7:00 am (0230 GMT) in Mazar-I-Sharif - - an old city popular for its lovely blue mosque. "I was presenting the Blessed Qura'an on my telephone screen and there was a blast," survivor Azim, whose right leg was harmed by shrapnel, told AFP.
Mohammad Hanif, who was likewise harmed in the impact, said there were around 52 individuals on board the transport at that point. Seven individuals were killed and six others injured by Asif Waziri, representative for the Balkh area police office.
"The bomb was set in a truck by the side of the road. It was exploded as the transport showed up," he said. There has so far been no case of liability.
No less than 19 individuals were killed and 24 others injured recently by an impact at a strict theological school in Aybak, southeast of Mazar-I-Sharif.